12 June 2011

touch a truck

seriously, mommy, i neeeeeed some ice cream. now!
i couldn't resist tinys 'wild woman' mop hair-do. trying to grow it out..means it stays messy!!!

this past weekend we went to 'touch a truck'!!!

there were police cars, tow trucks, jeeps, dump trucks, a semi, firetruck...no garbage truck or wall-e's as the tinys call them(diggers, dozers, graders). it was insanely hot, so while enamoured by the trucks, the tinys were equally excited about the ice cream truck in the middle of the parking lot!
we didn't stay for long. one sit on each truck. next year, we'll bring ear plugs..cause every little boy who climbed in a truck went straight for the horn! now multiply that by 12 BIG trucks!!

camp tiny week one!

"we are at camp tiny mommy!!!"
hold your breath : they are all sitting still at the table. no one is crying. or whining. or taking. or hitting. that happened after 'craft' hour!

my sweet lillibug loves some detail!

liam's creation time line! he 'scibble-scrabbled' as he called it. so much so that we had to re-write the numbers back on so he could get them in order!

a moment in deep concentration!

this is semi-normal. girls engrossed in a craft, liam playing. and yes he has an apron on. he was cooking our snack!

i LOVE this! the fish are all smiling!!!

the tinys are used to paint in our playroom. which was good. they are used to taking turns.
which keeps this mommy calm. it was actually me who ended up dropping the paintbrush on the carpet!

liam, so proud of his boat!
on your mark get set . . float!!!
week one of camp tiny was really fun!

we had a few obstacles to our first week. mostly because Lillian was finishing her last week of school. we also had a couple house showings, so a couple activities have been bumped to week 2!! Day one actually started on Tuesday afternoon! Each night when Liam would go to bed, he would say, "mommy, we didn't go to camp tiny" to which my response was "buddy you live in camp tiny, you ARE camp tiny!!"

i had a few 'mommy gut' feelings on how it would go. Lillian had the most attention span and would finish and be ready for the next thing. Liam would finish his quickly and be on to the next thing that is called-b.o.y. and Lucy would popcorn hers, she was in and out. some things would hold her attention some didn't. I learned quickly too that we absorbed the story better through reading our children's bible or read aloud bible story book or I re-told the story while we did our craft!

one of my favorite moments was actually tonight. after dinner we took all the cushions off the couch and chairs in our living room and made 'royal beds' as the girls call them. its really just a bunch of pillows and blankets piled together! we sat in front of our windows as the thunderstorm was ending and read books. as we finished the creation story; Liam, unsolicited says our memory verse from this last week! i laughed out loud! ...it stuck!!!

OUR MOST FAVORITE bible books are by Ella K. Lindvall.
they are beautifully illustrated and bring the bible story to life!!
CLICK HERE to check them out on amazon....

i am putting together a 'schedule' i know. right. me on a schedule. that's laughable.
but if one thing that daily i become more confident about, it is that the tinys thrive on routine.

its some of the thought behind camp tiny. that I needed something for us to do..its hot. i am pregnant. we can't be at the pool all day long....and i just might go that much more crazy this summer.
I also know the tinys thrive when their moments are 'creatively directed'...there are still moments of 'self-directed' play, but when those moments have purpose life is just that bit sweeter in our house. so camp tiny is just part of our day together. look for a post this week on what our 'schedule' looks like...and where the idea came from!

for about camp tiny and all downloads : go to www.camptiny.blogspot.com

the new graduate

this past week Lillian graduated from Kindergarten!!!

A HUGE milestone.
we had a great year at our local public school. Lillian's teacher and teaching assistant were both believers and did an amazing job at loving on her class. It was such a great start to her school experience.

She rode the bus home on Fridays!
On the last day of school I could see mixed feelings on her face. We got to the car and she burst into tears. She was devastated that it was all over.

Over the course of the rest of our afternoon, she would say 'this is the worst day ever, mommy I am so sad about not going back to school!!" Even though she was sad I couldn't help but be grateful that God had completely answered our prayers for this to be a great year for her.

She made some sweet friends, a couple actually live in our neighborhood!! With a house still on the market, we may be still live her for her to start First Grade, or not. Regardless, she is really excited that a year from now, she will be joined at school by brother Liam!!