so i've realized that instagram has caused me to lapse in my blogging....
and maybe i can temporarily blame it on the house still being for sale and juggling 4 tinys.
with an amazing iphone camera; sadly i don't get out my 'real' camera as much....mental note to do this more. London is now 6 months these are a couple months ago.
since then, she continues to retain her royal chubbness!
she is rolling across the living room floor one side to the other.
babbling. teething. all things baby. but is a sweet joy of a tiny.
i have realized lately with such a crazy wild hectic schedule of early morning workouts, showings and shuffling tinys that this baby brings joy and calm into our mess!
all tinys have been laid back until they turn 3; but this one is extra chill.
she joins us at the dinner table now....3 big tinys were laughing about something the other night..and she joined right in!!
my sweet tiny London!