88 new keys grace my living room wall!!!
this was something I have wanted for a long time!!
I played piano for 11 years, but I have basically taken the last 15 years off. so I am not sure now I am eligible to count the previous! I had a wonderful teacher who gave me a hard time for playing by ear...well in hindsight, she was so right. i can sight read a little here and there, but its lame. its not like riding a bike, after so long away it really is like learning all over again!!
It was a partial surprise, in the works; i knew about it. just didn't know it was something Andy had been stewing on for a while. It was to be a tiny#4 "push-birthday" gift for later this fall!!! This was my mother's day present this year!!!
We had mentioned to my dad that we were on the lookout for one, and if you know him he has a knack for stumbling across great finds....even pianos!
Well, its still a push gift, even though we're only 1/2 way to meeting our newest addition.
Worship has been a huge part of my life for the last 10+years. well really longer than that. I grew up in a home full of life and music; with a dad who played the guitar, banjo...led worship and a mom who gave joy and encouragement to settling in our passions, and a deep love for the arts!!!
Andy and I led worship as college students at UT, before we were engaged, then newlyweds! Its a huge part of the way God drew us together and was a sweet preview of serving together!!! In worship there is communion with the Spirit for me, like nothing else. Its the sweet spot. That thing, that place that I know I can count on the Lord meeting me. Where most everything else that seems to creep in and bother me, is immune! I am prayerful as years pass and I play again that these moments become closer together. not just slices i have to steal here and there!
for now, and the foreseeable future, I don't and won't have many quiet moments to sit down along and play, its like a moth to a flame when I hit the first key . . . tinys come running. which has been fun to begin teaching Lillian along with myself, just basic scales!!
I like looking to things on the horizon! Its not always a healthy outlook. I don't want to be in a posture of always looking to that next thing..missing the now; but for this it's hopeful in what's to come. when i walk in my living room i can't help but smile at this instrument that I have hope for. Hope for the curiosity and anticipation it brings me. hope for moments of intimate worship, that I can't help be selfish with! hope that when my fingers hit those keys I am reminded of how life-giving music can be!!!