23 June 2009

father's day

we had a busy father's day.
that afternoon we all piled in the car and drove to mooresville, nc for the NC state games championships

andy's race was at 330pm
it was a criterium. . just a 30 min race around the same circuit!
i kept the babies as occupied as possible....was an entertaining task . . didn't take long for liam to let everyone know he wasn't too pleased with the temperature..i don't blame him

so armed with juice boxes, goldfish, yogurt squeeze(s), bubbles, loveys & camera i was well equipped as a mommy could be!
every several minutes andy would pass and we could yell for him

sweet liam boy...flush-faced and not too happy...thankfully the race was almost over!!

daddy blowing lillian a kiss!

cool shot of them blowing by us!

he WON!!
only one more race until he moves to cat 4!

we came home, went to the pool and enjoyed playing the rest of the day
lucy is my first tiny that I've actually bathed in the kitchen sink....she was so funny!
we're of course in love with her sweet personality...fun to watch her be into EVERYTHING!!
another curly headed baby! i'm in love!

oh the rolls!!

sweet lillibug!!
what a fun way to spend father's day!

drew & holly

Drew & Holly Crawford
June 6, 2009
Rockford Manor
Dublin, Virginia
Andy and I escaped to Virginia for a few days to be a part of Drew & Holly's wedding!!!
it could not have been a more perfect day . . sweet ceremony . .
amazing reception . dancing under the stars!!
holly you were a gorgeous bride!

andy officiated the cremony!!

finally. . we actually have a photo of us!

was a blast of a weekend. so good to get away

we took our bikes and rode 18miles of what I will call HILLS. . .i was just thankful to finish after a rather eventful start to our ride!!

cheers to the newlyweds. . mr. & mrs crawford!