our chubbiest tiny!!
we cannot imagine a sweeter baby!
all three of ours have been very similar babies
and we realize that subsequent babies you seem to relax and absorb differently. .
she is calm through the chaos. . and like her brother and sister as the sweetest disposition
we are having so much fun getting to get to know her tiny heart...
we are entering our favorite 'baby stage' 6-9months
we've recently started babyfood. . . she's quickly getting the hang of it!
{lillian is great...we're making a calendar today to mark off the days until her birthday
we've been baking a lot of cookies with our new princess cookie cutters from uncle neal & soon-to-be aunt sara{{xoxox}}!! and we've been spending the first part of roomtime painting together}
{liam boy is awesome....starting to say everything..and very interested in the potty! oh boy!! he's still sleeps like a bear in hibernation. you'd see more photos of him if we could get him to hold still for more than 8 seconds!}